So, with the recent rain we are starting to see recovery of the lawns to different degrees. It is still going to take some time for full recovery of the lawns, and we do still need more rain. The amount of recovery will depend on a number of factors such as grass types, amount of sun and soil conditions. Bluegrasses are not the most resilient grass types and will take some time to recover. Poor soil conditions such as rocks and heavy clay will also delay the recovery. With that being said, if there are objects under the turf such as tree roots, old stumps, concrete, rocks, etc., this may have caused areas to go into total summer dormancy or even caused damage to where spot seeding or soil and seeding may be needed. Even the radiant heat from a driveway or walkway can cause damage to the turf. As the surrounding turf greens back up it will make the damaged areas very prominent. Here we have a customer photo where the bluegrasses are not recovering well and a picture of a subsurface boulder which caused excessive turf damage. Both cases may require spot seeding. If you ever have any questions and are unsure as to what may be occurring in your lawn you can always give us a call and we will be more than happy to investigate it for you.